Tag: Plato

“Plato’s Atlantis” eBook

For those who missed my promotional Kindle giveaway version, my short compilation, Plato’s Atlantis, is now available to purchase as an ebook. “For centuries, the tale of Atlantis has captured the imaginations of millions across the world. Atlantis has been featured in everything from books to films to toys, and the search for the lost …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.operationbrainleak.com/platos-atlantis-ebook/

The Legend of Atlantis


The primary source for the legend of the lost city of Atlantis is Critias, a dialogue by Plato dating to around 360 BCE. The text is unclear whether Atlantis was a real nation, destroyed in a natural disaster, or an allegory intended to teach a lesson. The dialogue was either left unfinished or the ending …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.operationbrainleak.com/the-legend-of-atlantis/